Friday, May 29, 2009

TKWKN- Episode 1!

Listen to episode 1 here! ;D

Introduction to your idiots:

Cawty (Courtney Williamson)
Clover (Octayvia Dugan)
Olive (Olivia Dugan)

With our guest, Aarion.

Many interruptions, from both the idiot kid (Aarion's little brother) and my lesbo cat (I don't mind the cat though. xD <3). We witnessed a faux murder, talked about our "smexy" Friday, talked about what we're going to do this summer, dealt with the lesbo cat, learned about how long it takes to burn 1 M&M, and learned that we're screwed. This was so fun to do! x'D <3

Intermission music by Digitalism.
Ending tune composed by yours truly, Olivia Dugan. ;D